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I have started to host a series of “Campus Stories & Dessert” nights to share what God is doing on Algonquin campus and in InterVarsity Workplace ministry a bit too. When I hosted two last summer, I found them to be deeply encouraging for everyone including me. Spending time recounting how God is working in young adults is truly exciting and hopeful.

I have invited you because you have contributed to campus ministry in some way or have shown interest in this crucial ministry at some point. I appreciate you as your involvement helps me know I’m not alone as I plant two ministry communities this year.

On Thursday, March 7th at 7pm, we will gather at Vineyard Ottawa Church (51 Greenbank Rd), where I will share stories and give opportunity for questions and for prayer. Desserts and fruits will be provided. Please park in the back and enter from the back entrance.

This is also an open invite to people you may know that would have interest in hearing these stories. Please feel free to bring a friend along.

If possible, please RSVP by Monday, March 4th so I can prepare, but if you can come last minute, please do!

With Gratitude, 

Cristy Dagenais    InterVarsity Campus Minister at Algonquin College

and InterVarsity Workplace Ministry in Ottawa