Jesus said, 'Let the Children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.**rsquo; - Matthew 19:14

Here at Grace Church we take Jesus’ command in this passage seriously, striving to show all children who Christ Jesus is through engaging and exciting activities, in a safe and secure environment.

Sunday School (Sunday mornings during worship service), Kid’s Club monthly on the last Friday night, and our annual Vacation Bible School during summer are just some of the activities we have for children from our church and community from JK until grade 6. For children under this age, we have an unstaffed nursery available each Sunday. All of our teachers and assistants undergo a Police Records Check as well as annual “Safe Church” training on how to handle unexpected circumstances such as a fire. (See our Sanctuary Policy for details)

For more information on our Children’s Ministry, please e-mail or contact Arlene in the office.