Annual Review of Finances
Be a second set of eyes

Can you set aside some time once a year to look at Grace's finances? We have a volunteer with an accounting background that needs a partner so there is more than one set of eyes making sure our records are accurate and properly kept.  The work is extremely flexible and can be done whenever you are both available.  No experience necessary, just a willingness to verify documents to statements and check off the list. Speak to Arlene in the office if you can help.

Mission Committee
Connecting Grace to the missions both locally and around the globe.

Our Mission Committee meets a maximum of 3 times a year. We are looking for new members willing to be the contact point for one of the missions we support.  This involves getting a few emails and forwarding info that should be shared with the congregation to Linda Clarke or the church office for inclusion on the website and/or in the monthly newsletter.