Sunday Morning Coffee Hosts

Fellowship in the hall after the service is a great way for our Grace family and visitors to get to know each other better and nothing brings people together like food and drinks!

Coffee hosts prepare the coffee urns, tea, place any refreshments onto plates and put mugs out on trays before the service and then exit the service right after the sermon to put everything out.  Afterwards you collect and load up any dishes and run them through our commercial dishwasher. (Less than 5 minutes per load!)  A quick wipe up of the counters and tables and the job is done. 

Fundraising Committee
Outreach and Social Events to support the ministries of Grace

Do you have great ideas?  Love to bake or cook? Willing to great people and check them off a guest list?  The Fundraising Committee is looking for many hands and hearts to help plan, setup and host a variety of events throughout the year.  Everything from concerts and meals to craft and bake sales. We are looking to create outreach and fellowship opportunities while trying to boost donations in support of Grace Church. Speak to Arlene Lamadeleine (office), Lauren Miles-Kuiperij or Linda Clarke for more information.

Social Committee

The Social Committee, aka the kitchen ladies, step up to prepare, serve and clean up for Grace social events as well as some fundraising events when they can. A willingness to work in the kitchen with a team of other volunteers is all that's needed. The Social Committee hosts a few lunches after the services and their biggest event is the Christmas Banquet in December!  Whether you might be available to help with one or all ... we would love to hear from you. Speak to Leslie Bryson, Maureen Martin, Min Mihalik, Wally Adams or Arlene in the office.  You will find in the kitchen!