Calling all men!  Grace has a few groups to choose from. From Friday morning Bible studies, hockey, and golfing to helping people with tasks in and around their homes through the New Commandment Men's Ministry. There are lots of options to get involved. 

Friday morning Bible Study - contact Ken Carruthers or John Head (Joint with Redeemer and Living Faith)

New Commandment Men's Ministry - 2nd Saturday of the month. Meet for breakfast and break up into teams to assist with home maintenance tasks. Contact Dan Rueger for more information. (Joint with Living Faith)

Grace Hockey - contact Dan Rueger for more info (Joint with Living Faith)

Golf - contact is Ken Carruthers.

As always, if you need help reaching out to the right people for any of our ministries or events, contact Arlene in the office at or by phone at 613-824-9260.