We are a friendly bunch here at Grace.

Parking: We have a large parking lot with lots of free parking.

What to wear: The dress code is generally dressy-casual.  You will see that some people like to take the opportunity to dress up  and others come more casually.

What about my kids? Children stay with their families in the sanctuary for the first part of the service and then they go out to Sunday School before the sermon.  We have a beautiful unstaffed nursery complete with toys, rocker, toddler sized washroom and changing table where you can bring babies and toddlers if needed. 

What's it like?  Our service starts with a welcome, announcements and our first scripture reading often from the Psalms. We then sing praises to our God, a mix of older hymns and contemporary songs. We love a wide variety of music!  The offering plates are passed. (Put your visitor card or prayer request in the plate!) We have a time of prayer. We have a sermon (about 20 minutes). We serve communion monthly - usually on the first Sunday of the month. We finish the service with a song followed by the benediction.  After the service, which lasts about an hour, we gather in the hall for coffee, tea, juice and often cookies or other treats.   

How to connect? We send out a weekly bulletin by email that gives more information, announcements and the detailed order of service.  If you would like to be added to the email list, just add your email to the "newsletter" subscribe box below (at the bottom of the page) or contact Arlene in the office (admin@graceorleans.ca or 613-824-9260).  

How do I get there?